Varieties of research methods are employed to make a comprehensive investigation into the colour center of the neutron-irradiated yellow sapphire and its spectrum features. 采用各种研究手段,对中子辐照黄色蓝宝石的色心及谱学特征进行综合研究。
Study on application of doped colour center Nd: YAG crystals 掺杂色心Nd:YAG晶体的应用研究
The experimental results show that there are two types of colour center in such two kinds of glasses, after irradiation with?-ray. One is the trapped electron type, other is the hole type. 实验表明,两种玻璃在γ辐照后都存在两种不同类型的色心&电子型色心和空穴型色心。
The concept of three-cavity matched for colour center soliton lasers is proposed, and the oscillation mechanism for Raman soliton lasers is analyzed. 提出色心孤子激光器的三腔匹配概念,并对Raman孤子激光器的振荡方式进行了分析。
Design Characteristic of TV Broadcast-Room Lighting System of Colour TV Center in China Central TV Station 中央电视台彩电中心演播室灯光系统设计的特点
The Development of Colour Center YAG Q-switches for Application 色心YAG晶体Q开关的应用开发
Colour center of neutron-irradiated yellow sapphire and spectrum features 中子辐照黄色蓝宝石的色心及谱学特征
Experimental study on room temperature LiF crystal F_2 colour center lasers 室温运转的LiF晶体F2色心激光器的实验研究
The passive Q-switch is made of saturated absorber-doped colour center YAG crystal. Three series of produets have been developed up to now. 用可饱和吸收体&掺杂色心YAG晶体制做的被动色心YAG晶体Q开关目前已开发出三个系列产品用于巨脉冲输出的各种钕激光器。